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7 min read | January 16, 2023

5 Examples of Social Media Marketing to Step Up Your Game in 2023

In order to stay fresh and relevant on social media, you need to constantly come up with new and original ideas to keep your audience interested. You also need to keep up to date with evolving trends so that your content appeals to the largest possible audience. However, this is sometimes easier said than done, especially if you post on a regular basis.

To help you out and get those creative juices flowing, we have put together a few examples of social media marketing for your campaigns. With the right approach, these ideas can help you stand out from the competition and engage your target audience in the best possible way.

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Creative Examples of Social Media Marketing Content

The best social media marketing (SMM) campaigns all have one thing in common: they’re effective at creating a buzz and attracting the attention of the right audience.

But, what’s the secret? How can you appeal to users on an emotional level and get them interested in what you have to say?

Generally speaking, the fundamental rule is that social media posts need to either inform or entertain. This ensures that online users are getting something of value when they interact with your post.

With this in mind, let’s take a look at 5 examples of social media marketing that can help you appeal to your target audience and get them to engage with your brand. 

Contests & Giveaways 

Contests and giveaways can be a great way to generate some noise around your brand. After all, who doesn’t love free stuff? 

Even a basic campaign of this type can easily get people talking about your brand and sharing your campaign post if they think they stand a fair chance of winning something, especially if you collaborate with an influencer on your contest or giveaway. 

Contests and giveaways can also be a fairly cheap way of promoting your brand. If you’re running the campaign yourself, it could be something as simple as asking your followers to tag themselves or share your post for a chance to win a small prize. Even if you decide to work with an influencer on this, it can still be pretty cost-effective, especially if you approach a nano or micro-influencer who is willing to share your contest post in exchange for free products.  


Host an AMA

AMA is short for “ask me anything”. Essentially, this is an interactive post where someone answers questions from social media users in real-time. First created on Reddit, these types of social media marketing campaigns are growing in popularity on other social media channels now, especially Facebook Live, TikTok, and Instagram Stories. On these platforms, brands promote a live feed where followers can comment with questions and brands share answers to what people want to know. 

AMAs can be a great way to inform your target customers of your brand and your products. What’s more, promoting your AMA as an open, honest, and transparent forum can be a great lever for generating trust and credibility. 

Organize a Social Media Takeover

A social media takeover is when you ask a reputable influencer to take over your social media profile for a set period of time, usually a day or a week. This offers a number of advantages compared to traditional influencer marketing strategies where influencers promote your brand through their own profile. 

For one thing, this strategy can help you build your own following and expand the reach of your profiles, especially if your chosen influencer promotes the takeover through their own page in the run-up to the campaign. Plus, if people see that a well-known influencer is endorsing your brand, then it will provide you with a higher level of consumer trust and social proof

Host a Challenge 

Another effective example of social media marketing is hosting a challenge.

Challenges are trending right now. Big time. With the right challenge and the right hashtags, you could potentially create enough buzz to go viral with your campaign. 

The most popular types of challenge campaigns right now relate to dance moves or eating something terrible (I’m sure we’ve all seen the Hot Chip Challenge). But there are plenty of other ideas that can generate just as much noise with the right approach. The key is to find something that appeals to your audience and that is easy to do

Take a look at a few challenge hashtags on TikTok to inspire you. You never know what crazy idea might lead to a collective movement and build a sense of comradery around your brand. Most importantly of all - have fun with it!

Spotlight your Team Members 

Employee spotlights are social media posts that introduce members of your team to your followers. The idea is to share a photo of an employee together with a short description explaining who they are, what they do, and what their talents, accomplishments, and interests are. 

Employee spotlights can be a great way to develop a sense of team spirit at an internal level. But they work on a much deeper level too. By sharing posts about your employees with your audience you can humanize your brand and make it seem more personal and relatable. Plus, of all the examples of social media marketing that we have discussed today, this is by far the easiest and cheapest way to market your brand on social media. All you have to do is find out a few interesting facts about each of your employees, take a few photos, and get posting! What could be simpler?

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