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6 min read | November 24, 2018

Cinco campañas exitosas en Instagram de 2018 | Influencity

The majority of influencer marketing campaigns owe a good part of their brilliant results to the right choice of social network. As we saw in a previous post, Instagram is the reigning champion of influencer marketing campaigns and we even went through a step-by-step guide for launching a successful campaign on this social network.

In this post, we’re going to take a look at five successful campaigns that were launched on Instagram in 2018.

Instagram’s functions perfectly match what marketers are looking for when launching campaigns with influencers. As we’ll see in this article, Instagram is the perfect platform for launching various marketing actions and catering for different business needs.

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Instagram: the leading social network for influencer marketing

There are several main reasons as to why Instagram is the most relevant social network for influencer marketing campaigns, such as the following:

Its user demographic

The majority of Instagram users are from the younger generation, which implies that they’re more likely to take recommendations on board, since they don’t tend to have particularly strong preferences and they’re at the age of wanting to experiment and try new things. They’re also used to reading reviews, asking questions on online forums and getting answers from people they don’t personally know, but with whom they speak on a daily basis.

It paints an idyllic picture

A fundamental characteristic of advertising messages is the art of persuasion. This is easily achieved by appealing to users’ emotions with curated photos and publications that catch the their eye.

Related reading: How to make your Instagram feed irresistible and inspirational

Reach big audiences

Instagram is amongst the ten most popular social networks in the world. This means that there’s potential to reach much bigger audiences, particularly when the message is transmitted through popular accounts with a big following, as well as through the use of relevant hashtags.

Higher engagement

The engagement rate on Instagram is one of the highest, another reason as to why it’s such an appealing social network for brands who wish to generate conversation with their campaigns.

A wide range of marketing actions

Another unique feature is that brands can put together campaigns based on a wide range of marketing actions that can be carried out on Instagram, from sponsored posts to reviews, and competitions and stories to discount counts.

Successful campaigns on Instagram tend to include one or a combination of the previously mentioned marketing actions. In any event, it’s always a good idea to listen to your collaborators’ ideas, since they know exactly how their audience react to certain types of content.

5 successful Instagram campaigns in 2018

We’re now going to take a look at some examples of campaigns that saw great success on Instagram in 2018. All were executed by different companies from different sectors with Influencity’s help, and all of them obtained fantastic results.


The Brazilian flip flop brand wanted to increase visibility and awareness of one of their products: the lilo pool flip flop.

They launched a campaign focused on raising product awareness, as well as a secondary marketing action with a branding objective which consisted in reaching a much a bigger and younger audience with their new product.

The campaign was a huge success, with a total reach of 1.8 million users and a engagement rate of 8.5%, statistics which are much higher than what they usually obtain with these types of campaigns.


Weleda is a cosmetics company that launched a campaign with the aim of increasing product visibility, their Pomegranate Regenerating Body Oil to be precise. Despite already having previous experience working with influencers, they needed help optimising their campaign strategies.

In previous campaigns, they’d chosen to collaborate with some of the most popular influencers and celebrities on Instagram. The results, however, were not what they expected.

This time around, Influencity suggested a new strategy and, with the help of its software, they tracked down micro-influencers with high engagement rates.

Upon analysing campaign results, Weleda could see how this change of strategy resulted in a much better use of their budget in comparison with previous experiences, and a total earned media of 29,500$.


KLM is one of the biggest airlines in the world. They launched an influencer marketing campaign with Influencity’s help in which they opened a pop-up store in madrid.

They opted to launch a campaign that would boost the hashtags #LoveFlyingKLM and #klmpopupmadrid, as well as create professional content and encourage people to visit their store, an important requisite when selecting the influencers for this campaign, since they needed to have a big fanbase with many followers residing in the Spanish capital.

The campaign smashed its objectives, obtaining more than 67,000 likes and a potential reach of 1.1 million users.

Aqua di Parma

The perfume brand wanted to promote their new fragrance, “Colonia Pura”, with the help of an event.

The brand’s traditional values and its exclusive nature made it a challenge to find influencers that were a good match for the brand’s philosophy and who also had a sufficiently ample audience.

After analysing thousands of profiles with Influency’s Network feature, they narrowed their search down to a group of actors and influencers from the luxury goods sector.

The campaign results demonstrated that the reach was 50% higher than the brand’s initial goal.

Oikos by Danone

This particular campaign went hand-in-hand with another, larger-scale campaign launched by Danone across different mediums, particularly on television, and was focused on creating a link between Oikos Greek yogurt and that special moment at the end of the day when you finally sit back and relax.

They wanted to reach an ample and diverse audience, consisting of both men and women aged 20 to 45 years, and the influencer marketing campaign needed to follow the same creative line as the television campaign.

The campaign was a complete success, both in terms of its reach and the engagement rate, which was a total of 57%.

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