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5 min read | January 27, 2019

Brand positioning: why you should do it influencers

Before even beginning to explain why brand positioning with influencers is a key marketing strategy, we should ask ourselves exactly what does it mean.

It’s important not to confuse brand image with brand positioning. Whilst the first term refers to the perception users have of a particular brand, the latter refers to marketing strategies that brands carry out to boost or improve this perception.

For that reason, the main difference between brand image and brand positioning is closely related to the trust generated amongst the public by the brand, making it an essential part of any corporate branding strategy.

Benefits of positioning a brand with influencers

What advantages does incorporating influencers into your brand positioning strategy have? First and foremost, it’s a non-invasive form of advertising which consumers find credible, thanks to the nature of the campaigns.

On the other hand, and perhaps the most important reason, is that collaborating with influencers means brands can directly impact their desired target audience. But for this to happen, it’s important to correctly choose the influencers you work with by taking a close look at their data beforehand.

Thanks to data obtained by influencer marketing software, such as Influencity, you can select influencers for your collaborations who are more likely to impact a specific demographic. For example, thanks to these tools, you can find out data such as the exact percentage of an influencer’s public that lives in Malaga, or what percentage is aged between 18 to 24 years old.

Furthermore, with these types of campaigns, if collaborating with multiple influencers, your campaign content is likely to repeatedly impact social media users (either daily or over the course of several weeks) in a non-invasive way. The potential customer connects with the influencer and vice versa. Influencer marketing has the power to transmit brand values to social media users as well as converting them into clients.

But before working with influencers for your brand positioning strategy, it’s important to follow the following points:

  • What kind of product do you wish to advertise? It’s essential to know your product inside out and its corresponding sector in order to choose the best influencers for your campaign.
  • Define the marketing objectives you wish to achieve. In this case, brand or product positioning.
  • Establish the type of brand positioning you want to achieve. Influencer marketing objectives can often englobe many different things and it’s important to understand exactly what you wish to achieve.
  • Identify the influencers. Where does their audience live? What gender do they impact the most? What age? It’s important to find out as much about your chosen influencers as possible.

Example of brand positioning with influencers

A great example of a brand positioning strategy with influencers that we’ve seen on social networks, in this case on Instagram, is PIZ BUIN’s summer 2018 campaign in which a series of Spanish influencers posted pictures of the suncream brand’s new line of products on their profiles. Although PIZ BUIN has always been a referential brand in the skincare sector, it has a lot of competition and needed to position itself as the star of the summer. To do so, it launched a series of campaigns with influencers who shared the benefits of their new products with their followers.

So, how did the campaign go?

The 12 posts by the influencers chosen for this brand positioning campaign explained the benefits of PIZ BUIN’s new products with a catchy copy and picture. But, what were the campaign results, in terms of data?

As we can see, the publications reached a total of 600k people and obtained a 5.84% engagement rate on Instagram, including likes and comments. In conclusion, a grand total of nearly 40K interactions. The geographic results show us that the highest percentage of impacted users live in Spain, specifically in Madrid. The campaign mostly impacted women (82.7%) between 25 and 34 years old.

Results obtained by Influencity’s software for the combination of the 12 publications by the following influencers: @alevivescaballerr, @andrea_m_m, @chocanocris, @beapfernandez, @claudiaparrast, @evscer, @laurapetrev, @luciapombo, @martabega, @martavidaurreta and @tzibirita (x2).

The data shows us that the brand successfully chose the best influencers for this campaign, thanks to having previously studied their data. And if we focus on the qualitative part of the campaign in which the influencers described the benefits of PIZ BUIN’s new products, we can see that the brand positioning strategy was a hot hit last summer.

Do you want to launch a brand positioning campaign with influencers? Get in touch with us and we’ll take care of the rest!

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