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7 min read | February 25, 2019

Do you need to work with an influencer agency?

With influencer marketing, one of the most frequent doubts that companies often have is whether or not they should be working with an influencer marketing agency or using a software to launch their campaigns? In the majority of cases, it all falls down the composition of the campaign.

Due to the great variety of options within influencer marketing, it can be difficult to know whether or not we should delegate the development of our campaign to a specialised agency, or if we are capable of doing it ourselves with the resources we have at-hand.

Let’s take a look at how we can figure out the best option for each case.

What is an influencer marketing agency?

An influencer marketing agency is a company specialised in the design, creation, execution and administration of advertising campaigns with influential people on social media. Influencer marketing agencies accompany brands throughout the entire process of launching a campaign, identifying any unforeseen issues and implementing strategies to achieve specific objectives that brands couldn’t achieve by themselves.

Influencer marketing agencies play a vital role in the process of creating ideas and strategies and executing, administrating and measuring the success of influencer marketing actions

Based on these objectives, influencer marketing agencies design, develop and execute campaigns by managing and supervising influencers’ publications.

When campaigns have been executed, they generate a complete report of the results in which all of the marketing actions are analysed and conclusions extracted.

As well as highlighting any errors committed throughout the duration of the campaign, they’re able to identify potential business opportunities for the development of future influencer marketing campaigns.

  • In conclusion, influencer marketing agencies are a great aid for companies that are just starting out with influencer marketing strategies, thanks to their savoir faire.

By taking into account the brand’s needs and objectives, an agency can help brands throughout the entire process, from the initial design of the campaign to the analysis of the results.

This also includes the selection of influencers for the campaign according to the brand’s target audience, as well as the development and optimisation of the campaign’s actions.

Perhaps you’ll like: The definitive guide for creating and managing influencer marketing campaigns

Which companies need to work with influencer marketing agencies?

  • Companies that lack the proper “know-how” in a field as specialised as influencer marketing are those that need the most help with these types of campaigns.
  • On the other hand, companies that don’t have the necessary resources (a specialised marketing team, time to monitor and analyse marketing actions, etc…) should turn to an influencer marketing agency to help with the design and execution of their campaign.

Big brands that are just stepping into the world of influencer marketing are those that tend to contract these services, whether it be due to a lack of resources or time needed to train their marketing department. Working with an influencer marketing agency that will dedicate 100% of its time to the brand’s strategic communication with influencers will help brands to:

  • Optimise timings and workload.
  • Increase efficiency when achieving objectives.

Whether it be due to a lack of specialisation or time, working with an agency is a fantastic option for brands that are just stepping into the world of influencer marketing

What is influencer marketing software?

However, there are other options on the market that can be very useful for certain brands that perhaps are looking for a different type of help with their campaigns. Influencer marketing software is the perfect tool for detecting which influencers are the best fit for a brand and its objectives and provide the necessary data for the successful development of a campaign. In certain cases, such as with Influencity, influencer marketing tools also allow brands to see the evolution of the campaign as well as the KPIs in real-time, in order to detect possible errors and make any adjustments to their campaigns.

Influencer marketing tools provide a complete report of the campaign results, which allow the brand to extract conclusions and analyse the total impact.

Which companies need to use influencer software?

Companies which are launching various influencer marketing campaigns, whether they be for different brands or because they have a big online community, need to manage a great number of marketing actions and strategies all at once. These organisations are those which most need the help of an influencer marketing software, in order to do the following:

  • Develop campaigns successfully
  • Control campaigns at any given moment and with ease
  • Get optimal reports which measure campaign actions

It’s important to point that pretty much all companies that have a marketing team that is sufficiently specialised in influencer marketing and that wants to optimise costs and save time, can use influencer marketing software.

Software is ideal for optimising costs and saving time for companies that already know about influencer marketing

How does influencer marketing software, such as Influencity, work?

Influencer marketing software facilitates certain processes for marketing teams, such as the search and selection of influencers, as well as analysing influencer metrics and following the evolution of campaigns.

  • The valuable and objective data that tools such as Influencity provide, allows brands to improve all campaign processes, from the management and control of influencer publications, to analysing the campaign’s execution.
  • Once the campaign is over, an influencer marketing tool will gather all of the data generated throughout the development of the campaign in order to analyse and extract precise conclusions.

It’s for those reasons, and thanks to the optimisation of resources and the ability to measure campaign results with precision, that influencer marketing software is an extremely useful tool.

  • When the scope of a campaign or its reach is considerably large, it’s essential to keep campaign actions under control.
  • Using an influencer marketing software is fundamental for optimising timings and costs, as well as providing an efficient observation of campaign strategies.

Who wouldn’t want to use a tool which leads the way to a more effective marketing campaign and optimised budget?

Without a doubt, counting on an influencer marketing tool, such as Influencity, is the best choice when launching campaigns with influencers.

Influencity not only allows you to select the best influencers for your campaigns, but it also helps you make more efficient decisions based on data, as well as providing you with concrete data regarding your campaign’s ROI. Drop us a line and get your campaign off the ground with help from the best professionals and the best software around.

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