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7 min read | May 6, 2019

New Influencer Marketing campaign by Max Factor UK: #YouXMaxFactor

We could consider make-up sector as the longest-standing one within Influencer Marketing. Make-up brands were one of the first ones to perform campaigns on social media because influencers focused on this theme were pioneers showing their make-up and beauty routines and products, mainly on Youtube.

MAC, L’Oréal or Benefit are only a few of the well-known brands that perform most of Influencer Marketing campaigns with beauty influencers we are used to see on social media. However, in this post, we will focus on the brand MAX Factor and its new product Miracle Touch Foundation.

As we can see in all publications’ captions, this product has a series of new features, such as hyaluronic acid and sun block. Therefore, we assume this campaign’s goal, most likely, was not only to publicize the new product (visibility) on Instagram, but to spread those new features as well (consideration).

Campaign with influencers on Instagram

All influencers’ publications from UK in this campaign include hashtags #MiracleTouch and #YouXMaxFactor, and, so far, there are more than 6,000 related publications.

Influencer Marketing

Instagram results of the hashtag: #YouXMaxFactor

As we can seem all influencer’s content show the brand’s product to promote. In some cases, it appears as a carousel, in others, as a video and in others, in the foreground of the photograph. What result have these publications had? We analyze five of them with our Influencer Marketing Software.

As we can seem all influencer’s content show the brand’s product to promote. In some cases, it appears as a carousel, in others, as a video and in others, in the foreground of the photograph. What result have these publications had? We analyze five of them with our Influencer Marketing Software.

Influencer Marketing Software

Results by software Influence of publications  @cocobeautea, @rafeekalove, @bsuddilfe, @y.a.t.r.i, @jennanicholls.

Because this is a campaign in the United Kingdom, all influencers chosen for the campaign’s audience are located mostly in the mentioned country and, more specifically, in London.

Regarding the audience gender, female was the dominant one; and regarding the audience age, the most reached range was between 18 and 24 years old. Hence, we can confirm it is the ideal target because, people who usually use make-up are females and also, as we can see, in the United Kingdom, the country where the campaign was established.

Overall, the campaign #YouXMaxFactor has potentially reached 471.3k users, all these publications have achieved 4.35% of engagement, 20.2k interactions adding 20.2k likes and 301 comments, and finally, $3,900.2 of Earned Media.

Publications’ main Influencer Marketing KPIs

We have just seen the results of five publications of this campaign combines, but which are the main Influencer Marketing KPIs of each publication? We analyze it with our Influencer Marketing Software.

As for the engagement, the most successful publication was @rafeekalove’s which has a 6.57% regarding interactions; the one with the biggest conversation between her audience concerning likes and comments, was @cocobeautea’s and when it comes to Earned Media, we also highlight this influencers as the best one with $3,136.52.

Looking at all the publications, we can state that some influencers have integrated the product more natural than others. A clear example of different ways to do this are @cocobeautea and @rafeekalove’s publications. While in the first one, we can see the product is camouflaged next to the coffee because of their similar color, the second one opts to promote it in the foreground.

Influencer Marketing KPI’s

Results by software Influence of publications  @cocobeautea, @rafeekalove, @bsuddilfe, @y.a.t.r.i, @jennanicholls.

In short, each influencer knows better than anyone what works the best with respect to her audience and for this reason, we find in a specific campaign different ways of spreading a product.

On this occasion, we have analyzed a make-up campaign, one of the most common sector in Influencer Marketing. However, this strategy can be applied to all sectors. If you are interested in performing a campaign with influencers, knowing its main KPIs and analyzing its results, get in touch with us.

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