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8 min read | September 18, 2023

The Instagram Algorithm: How It Works and Strategies for 2023

Did you know that the Instagram algorithm, which plays a crucial role in determining the content that users see on their feeds, has been adapted in 2023 to encourage users to be more creative? Instead of focusing on traditional engagement metrics, the algorithm now prioritizes original content and how long users spend watching a video, amongst other factors. This means that creators who want to get their content seen by more people need to focus on creating high-quality, engaging content that their audience will want to interact with. 

But how does the Instagram algorithm 2023 work exactly, and which strategies will help you expand the reach of your content?

This article will explore everything you need to know about Instagram’s updated algorithm and how it affects the visibility of your influencer marketing campaigns. We will also share a range of strategies for 2023 to help you adapt to Instagram’s algorithm and reach a wider and more relevant audience on the platform.

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How Does the Instagram Algorithm Work?

Traditionally, Instagram's algorithms operated on several key principles that influenced the visibility of posts. This included user engagement metrics, usage patterns, and location. However, the global image-sharing platform has recently taken a different direction and updated its algorithms so that they now take into account a variety of additional factors to determine which posts users see in their feeds.

These factors include:

  • Post content: The algorithm considers the type of content, such as photos, videos, or Reels, as well as the hashtags used. For example, if a user has liked a lot of photos of dogs, the algorithm is more likely to show them more photos of dogs. The algorithm also considers the quality of the content. Posts with high-quality images and videos are more likely to be seen by more people.
  • User engagement: In the past, the Instagram algorithm favored posts that generated a lot of engagement, regardless of whether the content was original or not. However, the new algorithm prioritizes original content over reposted content. This means that creators who want to get their content seen by more people need to focus on creating their own content, rather than reposting content from others.
  • Personalization: The new algorithm is more personalized than the previous algorithm. This means that the posts that a user sees in their feed are more relevant to their interests. 
  • Freshness: The algorithm prioritizes newer posts over older posts. However, the Instagram algorithm also considers a post's freshness relative to the user's past activity. For example, if a user has liked a lot of posts from a particular account, the algorithm is more likely to show them newer posts from that account, even if they are older than other posts in the user's feed.

Instagram Algorithm Strategies for 2023

If you are launching an influencer marketing campaign on Instagram to promote your brand, then it’s essential that you adapt your strategies to the new 2023 Instagram algorithm. This is true whether you are collaborating with a small influencer on Instagram or preparing to launch a macro-influencer campaign.

To help you get started, we have compiled a comprehensive list of updated strategies that will help you adapt your campaigns to the new 2023 Instagram algorithm. That way, you can be sure that you’ll hit your marketing objectives and get a solid return on your investment.

Post Original Content

As mentioned before, the Instagram algorithm 2023 prioritizes original content over reposted content. This means that creators who want to get their content seen by more people need to focus on creating their own content, rather than reposting content from others. For example, any watermarked content – think Reels reposted from TikTok with the platform’s logo – will be penalized. 

Make your Content Engaging

Use high-quality images and videos and write interesting captions that will encourage people to interact with your posts. This could include asking questions, running polls, or simply sharing a thought-provoking quote.

Post Consistently

The more often you post, the more likely that your content will be seen by more people. However, it's equally important to find a posting schedule that works for you and your audience. If you try to post too often, your followers may get bored and stop engaging with your content.

Use Relevant Hashtags

When you use hashtags, your posts will be more likely to show up in search results. However, it's important to use hashtags that are relevant to your content and your audience. Using too many irrelevant hashtags can actually hurt your chances of being seen.

Promote your Content

Share your posts on other social media platforms and encourage your followers to share them as well. You can also use paid advertising to promote your content to a wider audience. For example, working with an influencer who has a large and engaged following in your target market can help you reach a wider audience and build brand trust and credibility. This can be a very effective way to reach new customers on Instagram and grow your business.

Engage with Other Users

Liking, commenting, and following other users will help you get noticed by the Instagram algorithm in 2023. It will also help you build relationships with other creators and potential followers.

Use Stories

Stories are a great way to connect with your audience and get them to interact with your content. You can use Stories to share behind-the-scenes content, poll your audience on their opinions and preferences, or generate excitement around a new product release. 

Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a great way to boost engagement and attract new followers. When you run a contest, make sure to make the rules clear and easy to follow

Use Instagram Insights

Finally, Instagram Insights is a powerful tool that can help you track your progress and see what's working well for your account. Use Insights to see which posts are getting the most engagement, which hashtags are working best, and when your audience is most active

It's also a good idea to use an influencer marketing platform like Influencity to find relevant influencers, measure the results of your influencer marketing campaigns, and get insights into your audience. This information can help you create a more successful influencer marketing campaign that will be favored by the Instagram algorithm in 2023.

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