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Product Privacy Policy

Last modified: December 9th, 2021


IMPORTANT NOTE: The Spanish version of this document will govern our relationship - this translated version is provided for convenience only and will not be interpreted to modify the Spanish version.  For the Spanish version, please see the Influencity Legal Stuff page.


Influencity, S.L., hereafter Influencity, is an entity of Spanish nationality whose registered office is in Valencia, Ribera 1, Entlo. 1 y 2, tax ID number ESB98684574, is responsible of the treatment of the information you provide us.

We at Influencity and our affiliates listed on this page are committed to protecting your privacy. This Product Privacy Policy applies to your use of the Influencity Subscription Service (the Subscription Service) as a customer of Influencity. This Privacy Notice describes how we collect, receive, use, store, share, transfer, and process your personal information. It also describes your choices regarding use, as well as your rights of access and correction of your personal information.  

This Product Privacy Policy applies to the data Influencity processes on behalf of our customers (Customer Data) in our capacity as a processor. This Product Privacy Policy does not apply to any information or data collected by Influencity as a controller for other purposes, such as information collected on our websites or through other channels for marketing purposes. Please find the Influencity Privacy Policy that covers this information or data by clicking here.

Influencity processes Customer Data under the direction of our Customers, and has no direct control or ownership of the personal data we process. Customers are responsible for complying with any regulations or laws that require providing notice, disclosure, and/or obtaining consent prior to transferring the data to Influencity for processing purposes. Terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning as set forth in the Influencity Customer Terms of Service (the ‘Agreement’). In the event of a conflict between this Product Privacy Policy and the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement will control.

We periodically update this Product Privacy Policy. We will post any changes on this page and, if the changes are material, we will provide an update through the Notification app in your Influencity portal. While we will notify you of any material changes to this Product Privacy Policy prior to the changes becoming effective, we encourage you to review this policy periodically. We will also keep prior versions of this Product Privacy Policy in an archive for your review.


1. Use of the Subscription Service 

The Influenctity Subscription Service
Our online Subscription Service allows users (typically small to medium size businesses) to search influencers, get audience insights and influencer performance, create and manage influencer marketing campaigns, and track influencer posts. The Subscription Service can also be used to help organize influencer data about a company’s marketing strategy (e.g., influencers, posts, campaigns, etc.). The information added to the Subscription Service, either by influencers providing their contact information or when a Subscription Service user adds the information, is stored and managed on our service providers' servers. Influencity provides the Subscription Service to our customers for their own marketing and customer service needs.

Use by Influencity
We use our own Subscription Service to build influencer campaigns that people can learn more about Influencity. Information that we collect and manage using the Subscription Service for our own marketing belongs to us and is used, disclosed and protected according to the Influencity Privacy Policy.

Use by Our Customers
Our customers use the Subscription Service to build influencer campaigns that people can learn more about their business. When customers use the Subscription service, they may collect Personal Information such as first and last name, email address, physical address, or phone number. Influencity does not control the content or the types of information that our customers may choose to collect or manage using the Subscription Service. That information belongs to them and is used, disclosed and protected by them according to their privacy policies. Influencity processes our customers' information as they direct and in accordance with our agreements with our customers, and we store it on our service providers' servers.
Our agreements with our customers prohibit us from using that information, except as necessary to provide and improve the Subscription Service, as permitted by this Product Privacy Policy, and as required by law.
We use the information collected through our Subscription Service by our customers for the following purposes: to provide the Subscription Service (which may include the detection, prevention and resolution of security and technical issues); to respond to customer support requests; and otherwise to fulfill the obligations under the Influencity Customer Terms of Service.
We have no direct relationship with individuals, “Influencers”, who provide Personal Information to our customers. Our customers control and are responsible for correcting, deleting or updating information they have collected from using the Subscription Service. We may work with our customers to help them provide notice to their influencers about their data collection, processing and usage.


2. How we Share Information we Collect

A. With Service Providers

We employ other third-party service providers to provide services on our behalf to visitors to our Websites and our customers and users of the Subscription Service and may need to share your information with them to provide information, products or services to you. Examples may include removing repetitive information from influencer lists, analyzing data or performing statistical analysis, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, supplementing the information you provide us in order to provide you with better service, and providing customer service or support. These service providers are prohibited from using your Personal Information except for these purposes, and they are required to maintain the confidentiality of your information. In all cases where we share your information with such agents, we explicitly require the agent to acknowledge and adhere to our privacy and customer data handling policies. Examples of these third-party service providers can be found on this page.

B. Due to Corporate Events

If we (or our assets) are acquired by another company, whether by merger, acquisition, bankruptcy or otherwise, that company would receive all information gathered by Influencity on the Websites and the Subscription Service. In this event, you will be notified via email and/or a prominent notice on our website, of any change in ownership, uses of your Personal Information, and choices you may have regarding your Personal Information.

C. In Accordance with Compelled Disclosure

We reserve the right to use or disclose your Personal Information if required by law or if we reasonably believe that use or disclosure is necessary to protect our rights, protect your safety or the safety of others, investigate fraud, or comply with a law, court order, or legal process.


3. Influencity Product Specific Privacy Disclosures

A. All Product Tiers 

i. Third Parties

We may provide links within our sites and services to the sites or services of third parties. We are not responsible for the collection, use, monitoring, storage or sharing of any personal information by such third parties, and we encourage you to review those third parties' privacy notices and ask them questions about their privacy practices as they relate to you.

ii. Google Integrations

If you choose to integrate your Gmail or any other G Suite application with the Subscription Service you may use the following integrations and allow Influencity access to your Google user data:

  • (1) Gmail Integration
    By using the ‘Gmail Integration’ with the Subscription Service you will grant the Subscription Service access to information associated with your account, including contacts, emails, calendar, distribution lists, subject lines, and URLs of tracked links from your email, if you use the email tracking functionality. In addition, the Subscription Service will be able to read, modify, create, and send emails from your connected Gmail account. The Subscription Service will scan the content of your emails to identify which emails you have elected to track in order to provide you with the notifications feature. The Subscription Service will store replies, outgoing mail, email headers, subject line, distribution lists, aliases, time sent, and Email bodies. Your email may contain sensitive information, such as names of your contacts, your private communications, or financial or medical information. You understand that the correspondences you track will be visible to other users on your Subscription team.

    If you connect your Gmail account via IMAP (or Generic Inbox Connection), the Subscription Service will have access only to email address, password, server information, email metadata, and message bodies. Additionally, connecting your Gmail account via IMAP does not require you to connect any other G Suite applications.

    Additional Limits on Use of Your Google user Data:
    Notwithstanding anything else in this Product Privacy Policy, if you provide Influencity with access to your Gmail data using the Gmail Integration, our use of that data will be subject to these additional restrictions:

    • We will only use access to read, write, modify or control Gmail message bodies (including attachments), metadata, headers, and settings to provide a web email client that allows users to compose, send, read, and process emails and to enhance the email experience for productivity purposes.

    • We will not transfer this Gmail data to others unless doing so is necessary to provide and improve these features, comply with applicable law, or as part of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets.

    • Influencity will not use this Gmail data for serving advertisements.

    • Influencity will not allow humans to read this data unless we have your affirmative agreement for specific messages, doing so is necessary for security purposes such as investigating abuse, to comply with applicable law, or for Influencity's internal operations when the data have been aggregated and anonymized.

  • (2) Google Calendar Integration
    The Subscription Service will have access to both your Google Calendar and any other calendar you access via Google in order to power our Media Plan tool, and allow you to associate events with influencers in the IRM. The Subscription Service will have the ability to: create or change your calendars, and update individual calendar events.

    (3) Google Drive Integration
    As part of connecting your Google Drive, the Subscription Service will be able to: see your files, upload and download your files, and store file contents and titles. The Subscription Service uses these permissions to power the features of our Documents and Content tools, allowing you to create drafts of briefing or posts in Drive and then upload directly for publishing.

    (4) Google Search Console
    You can integrate your Google Search Console with our Content Management System (CMS). As part of this integration, the Subscription Service will be able to: manage the list of sites and domains you control, view and manage the list of sites and domains you control, view and manage the owners of domains you control.

  • (5) Chrome Extensions
    Email Extension: you can install the Influencity Email Chrome extension to track Gmail and G Suite emails through your Chrome browser. The extension can read and change all your data on the websites you visit and display notifications. It logs all emails from Gmail and can be used in conjunction with the Inbox Integration.

  • Document Extension: the Collect Extension integrates with your Google Drive, allowing you to upload files and text directly from your Chrome Browser into your drive. These files will then be available for your use through the Google Drive integration.

  • Social Extension: The Influencity Social Chrome Extension allows checking influencer insights directly from the Social Network and add influencers to your IRM. You are able to assign influencers to campaigns, and lists. The Social extension only accesses information about the current page, after its toolbar button is clicked, utilizing the permissions granted here:

iii. Influencity Email Outlook Add-In

If you use the Outlook integration with the Influencity Product, the Subscription Service will have access to information associated with your account, including contacts, emails, calendars, distribution lists, subject lines, and URLs of tracked links from your email, if you use the email tracking functionality. The Influencity Product will scan the content of your emails to identify which emails you have elected to track in order to provide you with the Notifications feature. The Subscription Service will store, replies, outgoing mail, email headers, subject line, distribution lists, aliases, time sent, and message bodies. Correspondences you track will be visible to other Users on your Subscription.

iv. Generic Inbox Connection (IMAP)

If you connect your email account via IMAP (or Generic Inbox Connection), the Subscription Service will have access only to the email address, password, server information, email metadata, and message bodies. Additionally, connecting your Outlook account via IMAP does not require you to connect any other Microsoft applications.

v. Crowdsourced Data

If you use our Influencity IRM, you may see fields in our influencer database marked with a pink/purple dot, or highlighted in some other way. These fields are those that we let our Influencity IRM users update, to aim to keep our influencer database as current as possible. Crowdsourced Data fields only capture influencer level information, and are not intended to collect personally identifiable information. If you choose to submit updated information to these fields, you grant us the right to use such information in any manner that we choose (including, without limitation, publicly), without any payment or attribution to you. You represent and warrant that you have a right to share such information with us for our use and that you are not violating any confidentiality obligations by submitting the information. This information submitted by you will not be considered Customer Data or Confidential Information under this Agreement.

vi. Documents Tool

If you use the Documents feature of the Subscription Service, files that you upload using this ‘Documents’ feature are stored by us and shared with other users of your Influencity IRM team.

vii. Contents

If you choose to use the content validation feature of our Content functionality you understand that any User may have access to or visibility into the contents of this feature.

B. Social Integrations for Customers

i. Youtube Integration

If you use the YouTube Integration, you agree to be bound by YouTube's terms, available at:

You choose to connect your YouTube account with the Influencity Platform in order to manage your YouTube account:

i. a. As part of sending messages to YouTube through the Subscription Service, the Influencity platform will store your messages and send them at the scheduled time as selected by you.

i. b. As part of uploading videos to YouTube through the Subscription Service, the Influencity platform will upload your video at the scheduled time as selected by you. Additionally, the Subscription Service will add tracking code to any post URL generated through the Influencity Platform, solely for the purpose of tracking clicks. The Subscription Service store comments and replies on your posts, as well as analytics for the performance of your posts. You agree that the performance of these posts will be shared or made public at our sole discretion.

ii. Twitter Integration
If you use the Twitter Integration, you agree to be bound by Twitter’s terms, available at:

You may choose to integrate your Twitter account with the Influencity Platform in order to manage your Twitter:

ii. a. As part of sending messages or posting Tweets through the Subscription Service, the Influencity platform will store your messages and Tweets, and post Tweets upon their scheduled time as selected by you.

ii. b. As part of posting Tweets through the Subscription Service, the Influencity platform will store your Tweets and post Tweets upon their scheduled time as selected by you. Additionally, the Subscription Service will add tracking code to any Tweet URL generated through the Influencity Platform, solely for the purpose of tracking clicks. The Subscription Service will store replies to and analytics for the performance of your Tweets. You agree that the performance of these posts will be shared or made public at our sole discretion.

iii. LinkedIn Integrations
Your use of the LinkedIn integration is also subject to the terms and conditions provided by LinkedIn, available at:
If you choose to connect your LinkedIn account with the Influencity Platform in order to manage your LinkedIn account, the Influencity Platform will store your account name, account profile picture, and:

iii. a. As part of sending messages to LinkedIn through the Subscription Service, the Influencity platform will store your messages and send only at the time you schedule.

iii. b. As part of posting to LinkedIn through the Subscription Service, the Influencity platform will store your posts and publish only at the time you schedule. Additionally, the Subscription Service will add tracking code to any post URL generated through the Influencity Platform, solely for the purpose of tracking clicks. The Subscription Service stores comments and replies on your posts, as well as analytics for the performance of your posts. You agree that the performance of these posts will be shared or made public at our sole discretion.

iv. Facebook and Instagram Integrations
Your use of the Facebook and/or Instagram integration is also subject to the terms and conditions provided by Facebook, available at:, and by Instagram, available at:

If you choose to connect your Facebook and/or Instagram account with Influencity Platform in order to manage your Facebook/Instagram account:

iv. a. As part of sending messages to Facebook and/or Instagram through the Subscription Service, the Influencity platform will store your messages and send them only at the time you schedule.

iv. b. As part of posting to Facebook and/or Instagram through the Subscription Service, the Influencity Platform will store your posts and publish only at the time you schedule. Additionally, the Subscription Service will add tracking code to any post URL generated through the Influencity Platform, solely for the purpose of tracking clicks. The Subscription Service stores comments and replies on your posts, as well as analytics for the performance of your posts. You agree that the performance of these posts will be shared or made public at our sole discretion.

C. Other Product Specific Disclosures

i. Integrations with the Influencity Platform
You may choose to connect any number of applications or integrations, including our certified partner applications, with your Influencity Account. Your use of these integrations is subject to the privacy terms made available by that integrator.

ii. Mobile Applications
When You Use our Mobile Application
We use mobile analytics software to allow us to better understand the functionality of our Mobile Apps on your mobile device. This software may record information such as how often you use the application, the events that occur within the application, aggregated usage, performance data, and where the application was downloaded from. In addition to information we collect on our Websites, when you use our Mobile Apps we may also collect your device model and version, device identifier (or “UDID”), OS version, and your Influencity Subscription Service credentials.
We send push notifications from time to time in order to update you about events or promotions. If you no longer wish to receive such communications, you may turn them off at the device level.
We may link information we store within the analytics software to Personal Information you submit within the Mobile App. We do this to improve services we offer you and improve our marketing, analytics and site functionality.

iii. Single Sign-On
You can log in to our site using a Single Sign-on (SSO) service like your Google account. This service will authenticate your identity and provide you the option to share certain personal information with us such as your name and email address to pre-populate our sign up form. Such services may give you the option to post information about your activities on this Web site to your profile page to share with others within your network.

iv. Log Files
When you use the Subscription Service, we automatically collect information about your computer hardware and software. This information can include your IP address, browser type, domain names, internet service provider (ISP), the files viewed on our site (e.g., HTML pages, graphics, etc.), operating system, clickstream data, access times and referring website addresses. This information is used by Influencity for the operation of the Subscription Service and to maintain the quality of the Service. For these purposes, we do link this automatically-collected data to Personal Information such as name, email address, address, and phone number.


4. Data Subject Requests

If you are a customer, influencer, or otherwise interact with one of our Customers and would no longer like to be contacted by one of our customers that use our Subscription Service, please contact the customer that you interact with directly. If you want to access, correct, amend, or delete data controlled by a Influencity customer, you should direct your query to the Influencity Customer (the data controller). We will work with customers to respond to data subject requests as outlined in our Customer Data Processing Agreement.
You may request the deletion of your Influencity account or Subscription Service by sending a request to
If you are seeking to exercise your data subject access rights for the data Influencity processes as a controller, please see this Privacy Policy.


5. Data Retention

The data you collect as part of your use of the Subscription Service is retained according to the relevant agreements between you and Influencity. Customer Data is retained for as long as you remain an active customer. Your data is deleted upon your written request or after an established period following the termination of all customer agreements. In general, Customer Data is deleted after your paid Subscription ends and your portal becomes inactive.


6. How We Transfer Data We Collect Internationally

International transfers to third parties

Some of the third parties described in this privacy policy, which provide services to us under contract, are based in other countries that may not have equivalent privacy and data protection laws to the country in which you reside.

In this regard, service providers outside the EEA have signed the corresponding standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission ("STC"), an agreement signed between the two entities by which the non-EU company guarantees that it applies European data protection standards.

Therefore, the use of these providers does not result in a lesser degree of protection of your personal data than the use of providers located in the European Union. You can consult the content of the TCHs in the following link:


You may direct any inquiries or complaints related to our Product Privacy Policy compliance to:


Data Protection Officer (DPO) 

Daniel Sánchez

Influencity, S.L.
Ribera 1, Entlo. 1 y 2
Valencia, 46002, Spain